Keep your team motivated and inspired with new ideas, strategies, and practical advice. Learn from real world event experience. Ben has conducted over 2,000 events and shares techniques and lessons you can use immediately to raise more money.
Custom Benefit Auctions is proud to host educational and informational workshops to share the latest trends in Benefit Auctions. Reach out today if you would like to host the next training in your city.
Benjamin Farrell is a certified Speaker, Coach, and Trainer with the John C. Maxwell Team. Effective Leadership is the key ingredient to successful fundraising and you can learn lessons in Leadership to elevate your organization.
The non-profit sector has one of the highest turnover rates of any industry. Learn how to avoid burnout, stay motivated, and attract positive hard working people to your team. Ben shares principles from the science of achievement positive psychology, and real world experience.
Learn how to avoid the Bermuda Triangle of Benefit Auctions. There are common pitfalls that can steal the energy and money from your event.
Are you looking for a new and fresh way to tell your story? Are you in need of event makeover? Learn to tap in to the collective wisdom of your team, board, and volunteers. You are the expert, let’s put your expertise to work for you.
Raffles and Interactive games provide opportunities for more revenue and guest inclusion. Learn how to create and execute fun and profitable revenue enhancers.
Communicating who you are, what you do, and why you do it is critical to your event success. Learn how to creatively and efficiently connect with your audience through story.
Do you have a specific challenge or unique situation. Work with Custom Benefit Auctions to design a topic tailor made for you and your organization.